World Menopause Month 2023
Let’s #PauseToTalk
This World Menopause Month, we’re starting the most menopause conversations. Ever.
Each persons’ menopause is individual and to help others understand and treat their menopause, we must break the taboo, educate and start the conversation. You can help someone today and have a conversation about menopause.
Thank you for joining the conversation
This World Menopause Month, we’re starting the most menopause conversations. Ever.
Each persons’ menopause is individual and to help others understand and treat their menopause, we must break the taboo, educate and start the conversation. You can help someone today and have a conversation about menopause.
We are the world’s biggest menopause library, home to the latest evidence-based resources, advice and treatment options. The conversation doesn’t need to stop here!
Join our menopause community
Conversations so far:
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