FAQs about HRT Factsheet

FAQs about HRT Factsheet

Easy HRT prescribing guide

Easy HRT prescribing guide

What is the menopause and when does it begin? [Skill Boosters Video]

What is the menopause and when does it begin? [Skill Boosters Video]

Dr Louise Newson has been working with Skill Boosters, a company that offers video-based training for inclusion, leadership and teamwork, to create informative menopause training resources.

Perimenopause and HRT Booklet

Perimenopause and HRT Booklet

Symptoms of the menopause [Skill Boosters Video]

Symptoms of the menopause [Skill Boosters Video]

Dr Louise Newson has been working with Skill Boosters, a company that offers video-based training for inclusion, leadership and teamwork, to create informative menopause training resources.

The difference between the menopause and perimenopause [with sign language]

The difference between the menopause and perimenopause [with sign language]

Antidepressants and the menopause [with sign language]

Antidepressants and the menopause [with sign language]

HRT and breast cancer [with sign language]

HRT and breast cancer [with sign language]

What is HRT? [with sign language]

What is HRT? [with sign language]

Busting myths around HRT [Video]

Busting myths around HRT [Video]

Estrogen gels and patches: Spanish Translation [Video]

Estrogen gels and patches: Spanish Translation [Video]

The menopause and food: Spanish Translation [Video]

The menopause and food: Spanish Translation [Video]