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Hair loss and hormones – Dr Sajjad Rajpar & Dr Louise Newson

In this week’s podcast, Dr Newson is speaking with consultant dermatologist, Dr Sajjad Rajpar all about hair. Hair changes can be very common during the perimenopause and menopause. Dr Rajpar eloquently explains how our hormones are important with respect to hair growth and also hair texture. They discuss in detail reasons why women experience hair loss and the importance of having a holistic consultation to explore reasons why hair changes. Dr Rajpar talks about the different treatment options and provides some simple advice which will help us all regarding our hair.

Find out more about Dr Sajjad Rajpar here:

Dr Rajpar’s Three Take Home Tips to help reduce hair loss:

  1. Avoid any tight hairstyles. If you can leave your hair down, it will help.
  2. Think about the health of your scalp too, it may be drier due to low oestrogen levels during the perimenopause and menopause.
  3. If you are suffering with brittle hair then by sensible with heat and styling tools.
Hair loss and hormones – Dr Sajjad Rajpar & Dr Louise Newson

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