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Dr Louise Newson joins UK government’s menopause taskforce

The Department of Health and Social Care have released news that ministers and senior clinicians from across all 4 nations will come together today for the inaugural meeting of the UK Menopause Taskforce.

balance app’s founder, Dr Louise Newson is on the taskforce and will be tackling issues including increasing access to appropriate menopause treatment, ending the taboos and stigmas that still surround conversations about the menopause, and the impact on menopausal women at work.

The inaugural meeting comes as the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) launched a consultation into the reclassification of locally applied estrogen, Gina, meaning women in the UK could access a menopausal treatment over the counter at a pharmacy, without requiring a prescription. This is the first time locally applied estrogen has been considered for sale over the counter.

We are pleased see important progress is being made and steps are being taken towards ensuring women can more easily access menopause treatment.

Read the full report here:

Dr Louise Newson joins UK government’s menopause taskforce

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