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Anna’s Story

In this video Anna shares how hormonal changes during the perimenopause impacted her mental health – and how balance helped her.

Anna explains she initially put her symptoms down to stresses and strains of life, but after talking to her friends, listening to the Dr Louise Newson Podcast and by downloading the balance app, she educated herself about the perimenopause and menopause.

She says of the balance app: ‘You are never too young to learn about the menopause…balance is free and very simple to use.

‘I’m on HRT now but I still chart my symptoms to see if any symptoms are creeping back in, or if I need a review of my HRT.

‘The community section is a lovely source of support; you can talk to each other and give advice and read other people’s stories.’

Looking for Menopause Doctor? You’re in the right place!

  1. We’ve moved to a bigger home at balance for Dr Louise Newson to host all her content.

You can browse all our evidence-based and unbiased information in the Menopause Library.