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Taking your HRT abroad: everything you need to know

If you have a holiday or long-haul flight coming up, we have the lowdown on travelling with HRT and other medications

Your bags are packed, passport safely stored and boarding pass downloaded on your phone.

But before you head off on holiday or on a non-UK work trip, read our guide on taking your HRT and other medication abroad to ensure you have a stress-free trip.

Do your research

Check the rules of the country you’re going to as well as any you’re just passing through. Different countries have different rules about the types of medicine they allow to be taken into the country and the maximum amount you can take in. Some medicines you get over the counter in the UK may be controlled in other countries and vice versa, so look up your holiday country’s rules via their embassy website.

Most countries will allow most medications as long as you show your prescription for them too – and this includes your HRT. For controlled medicines and strong painkillers, check the website for the embassy of the country you are visiting to see their specific rules and regulations as some restrict these types of medications.

On the flight

Always carry medicines (and applicators/syringes) in their original, correctly labelled packages. Check that you have enough to last your trip, and that any medication you take will remain in date.

It’s a good idea to carry your medicine in your hand luggage with a copy of your prescription. According to, you’re allowed to carry the following in your hand luggage:

  • Essential medicines of more than 100ml
  • Medical equipment, if it’s essential for your journey

You’ll need to carry proof that the medication is prescribed to you (for example a letter from your doctor or a copy of your prescription) if it’s both:

  • In liquid form
  • In a container larger than 100ml

You do not need to show proof if the medication is either:

  • In tablet form
  • liquid in a container that’s 100ml or smaller

There are different rules if you are travelling with medicine that contains a controlled drug.

Airport staff might need to open the containers to screen the liquids at the security point. Medical equipment is screened separately.

You could consider packing some extra medicine in your luggage going in the aeroplane hold in case you lose your hand luggage.

Some medicines need to be kept at room temperature (below 25C) or stored in the fridge. Check the directions on your medicine and you could use a small thermos flask, or mini cool bag with ice pack or insulated pouch to help keep it cool.

Controlled medicines

Although HRT products do not come under this category, you may also take a medication that is controlled. This means that additional legal controls apply to these medicines; you may need a personal licence to take controlled medicines abroad or there may be specific rules about how to carry them. You can apply for an export licence and this should be done at least 10 days before travel. Some examples of controlled drugs include: diamorphine, diazepam, codeine, fentanyl, methadone, morphine, pethidine, Ritalin and temazepam.

Check with the embassy about the rules for the country you’re going to before you travel. You can find a list of foreign embassies in the UK on

Buying medication in another country

Fake drugs are much more common in certain regions and can be a significant health risk. Be aware that whilst the name and appearance of medication prescribed in your home country may look the same or similar in other countries, the amount and type of active ingredients may differ. Avoid this by taking plenty of what you need with you from your usual place of residence.

Further information Export drugs and medicines: special rules Foreign embassies in the UK

Taking your HRT abroad: everything you need to know

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