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Ten Facts about Menopause & Body Identical HRT

Dr Louise Newson BSc(Hons) MBChB(Hons) MRCP FRCGP

  1. The benefits of HRT outweigh the risks for most women who start HRT aged < 60 years
  2. HRT is much safer than many people realise. NICE Guidance (2015) provides evidence and reassurance
  3. HRT should be recommended routinely to women who are menopausal aged < 45 years, even if they have no symptoms.
  4. Young women often need higher doses of oestrogen to improve symptoms
  5. There is no limit to length of time taking HRT
  6. Body identical HRT (same molecular structure as a woman’s hormones) is the safest way of a woman having HRT
  7. Oestrogen through the skin as a patch or gel is the safest way of having oestrogen and is body identical
  8. Micronised progesterone is body identical progesterone which is given as an oral capsule and is safer than older types of progestogens
  9. Testosterone is a female hormone that can improve libido, mood, energy and concentration
  10. Testosterone can be especially beneficial in young women and those women who have had a surgical menopause

Last updated: 2019

Ten Facts about Menopause & Body Identical HRT

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