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Will HRT make me gain weight?

There are many women out there who worry about weight gain being a side effect of taking HRT. However, several scientific studies show that there is no direct link between weight gain and the menopause itself. 

In fact, one of Dr Newson’s patients, Tracey, had a very different experience when she began taking HRT. Here’s what she has to say: 

I thought about going on HRT for several years but was put off by the scare stories about cancer and weight gain. My Mum and Mum-in-law had both been on HRT in the 80’s and had both gained at least 2 stone each. Having always battled with my weight, the thought of gaining more filled me with dread.
About a year ago, I was at my heaviest, depressed, exhausted, irritable and having several extreme hot flushes a day, I was miserable. It was around this time that I saw Dr Louise Newson on Lorraine and I also saw Carol Vorderman talking about some gel she rubbed into her skin. Intrigued, I made an appointment with Dr Newson who prescribed me oestrogel, utrogestan and testosterone. It gave me confidence to know that the HRT prescribed was body identical and not like the stuff used by my Mum and Mum-in-law. After a few months and some tweaking I was feeling much better and the hot flushes had gone.

Feeling more motivated I decided to tackle the weight gain, so I started to eat healithly but I wasn’t militant about it, life is for enjoying right?
I was shocked and delighted to see that the weight started to come off, even with the odd takeaway and chocolate bar. It felt like my body was behaving how it should and using the calories instead of storing them.

In 5 months I’ve lost 2 stone, despite being on HRT, in fact I would go as far as to say that I think the oestrogen has helped me lose weight, certainly I’ve never experienced such easy weight loss. I’m thrilled of course and feel so much better in myself. I want to lose another couple of stone but at least I know I can do it now. I realise that everyone is different but I just wanted to share my experience in case there are ladies out there worried about weight gain.
Thank you Dr Newson, you’ve given me my life back.

Dr Newson says “Many women are concerned that they will put on weight when they begin taking HRT. However, having oestrogen through the skin as a gel or patch with micronised progesterone does not usually lead to weight gain. Many women, including this lady, find that they lose weight after starting HRT which is clearly another advantage!”

Related: Help! – I’m heading for the menopause and can’t control my weight

Will HRT make me gain weight?

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