Looking for treatment? |
Newson Health Welbeing Centre has UK-wide clinics, offering in-person and virtual consultations. Our team will take time to listen to you, discuss your symptoms and offer a comprehansive treatment plan, tailored to your needs and preferences. |
Looking for treatment for your perimenopause & menopause? |
Book an appointment | ||
Newson Health Welbeing Centre has UK-wide clinics, offering in-person and virtual consultations. Our team will take time to listen to you, discuss your symptoms and offer a comprehansive treatment plan, tailored to your needs and preferences. |
Can I take my oestrogel on a plane?
Long Covid and the benefits of HRT
À quoi vous pouvez vous attendre lorsque vous commencez un THS? / What to expect when you take HRT (French)
Symptômes et traitement efficace des femmes en ménopause - Dr Sarah Ball et Dr Louise Newson / Symptoms and Effective Treatment for Women Experiencing the Menopause – Dr Sarah Ball & Dr Louise Newson (French)
Cáncer de mama y TRH / Breast cancer and HRT Factsheet (Spanish)
Cancer du sein et THS ( Traitement Hormonal Substitutif) / Breast cancer and HRT Factsheet (French)
Terapia hormonal sustitutoria(THS) – La hoja informativa básica / Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – The basics Factsheet (Spanish)
जब आप HRT शुरू करते हैं तो क्या उम्मीद करें / What to expect when you start HRT (Hindi)
हार्मोन रिप्लेसमेंट थेरेपी (एचआरटी) - मूल बातें फैक्टशीट / Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – The basics Factsheet (Hindi)
स्तन कैंसर और एचआरटी / Breast cancer and HRT Factsheet (Hindi)
"Why I'll still take and prescribe HRT"
In this article written by Dr Louise Newson, and recently published in the Telegraph, she explains why she's sticking with HRT, despite an increase in "scary-sounding headlines." Read on for the full story...