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Testosterone: what is Testogel and how do I use it?

Testosterone: what is Testogel and how do I use it?

In this short video, Newson Health GP and Menopause Specialist Dr Catherine […]

Testosterone: what is Androfeme and how do I use it?

Testosterone: what is Androfeme and how do I use it?

In this short video, Newson Health GP and Menopause Specialist Dr Catherine […]

HRT patches explained

HRT patches explained

Struggling to understand the difference between sizes of HRT patches? In this […]

How to remove HRT patches

How to remove HRT patches

Just been prescribed HRT patches and want to know more about how […]

How to apply HRT patches

How to apply HRT patches

Just been prescribed HRT patches and want to know more about how […]

Linda’s Story

Linda’s Story

Anna’s Story

Anna’s Story

In this video Anna shares how hormonal changes during the perimenopause impacted […]

My story of hormonal depression: when my hormones change, I change [Video]

My story of hormonal depression: when my hormones change, I change [Video]

In this video, Dr Hannah Ward shares her experience with reproductive depression. 

Dr Nighat Arif on Ramadan and HRT [Video]

Dr Nighat Arif on Ramadan and HRT [Video]

In this video you can learn from Dr Arif how you can continue to take your HRT whilst fasting.

Suicide Awareness and the menopause live Q&A [Video]

Suicide Awareness and the menopause live Q&A [Video]

balance app founder, Dr Louise Newson, supported this live Q&A on Suicide Awareness and the Menopause with Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT), the region’s NHS mental health services provider. The public event discussed how the menopause affects mental health, including mood changes, depression and sometimes suicidal thoughts.

Breaking the Bias of the Menopause for International Women’s Day 2022

Breaking the Bias of the Menopause for International Women’s Day 2022

In celebration of International Women’s Day 2022, we hosted an Instagram Live […]

What is the menopause and when does it begin? [Skill Boosters Video]

What is the menopause and when does it begin? [Skill Boosters Video]

Dr Louise Newson has been working with Skill Boosters, a company that offers video-based training for inclusion, leadership and teamwork, to create informative menopause training resources.

Symptoms of the menopause [Skill Boosters Video]

Symptoms of the menopause [Skill Boosters Video]

Dr Louise Newson has been working with Skill Boosters, a company that offers video-based training for inclusion, leadership and teamwork, to create informative menopause training resources.

The difference between the menopause and perimenopause [with sign language]

The difference between the menopause and perimenopause [with sign language]

Dr Louise Newson describes the difference between the Menopause and the perienopause. […]

Antidepressants and the menopause [with sign language]

Antidepressants and the menopause [with sign language]

Dr Louise Newson discusses the use of antidepressants for symptoms of the […]

Looking for Menopause Doctor? You’re in the right place!

  1. We’ve moved to a bigger home at balance for Dr Louise Newson to host all her content.

You can browse all our evidence-based and unbiased information in the Menopause Library.