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Menopause and antidepressants – Kim Goulding & Dr Louise Newson

020Menopause and antidepressants – Kim Goulding & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with one of her patients Kim Goulding

What is perimenopause? – Sheona Khan & Dr Louise Newson

019What is perimenopause? – Sheona Khan & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with Sheona Khan

Low testosterone in men – Professor Geoffrey Hackett & Dr Louise Newson

018Low testosterone in men – Professor Geoffrey Hackett & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with Professor Geoffrey Hackett

The benefits of yoga – Lucy Holtom & Dr Louise Newson

017The benefits of yoga – Lucy Holtom & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with Lucy Holton

The importance of a plant-based diet – Edward Joy & Dr Louise Newson

016The importance of a plant-based diet – Edward Joy & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with Edward Joy

Menopause and Nursing – Diane Porterfield & Dr Louise Newson

015Menopause and Nursing – Diane Porterfield & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with Diane Porterfield-Bourne

Getting the right menopause information – Diane Danzebrink & Dr Louise Newson

014Getting the right menopause information – Diane Danzebrink & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with Diane Danzebrink

HRT and breast cancer – Liz Earle MBE & Dr Louise Newson

013HRT and breast cancer – Liz Earle MBE & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with Liz Earle MBE

Gut Matters – Emma Ellice-Flint & Dr Louise Newson

012Gut Matters – Emma Ellice-Flint & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with Emma Ellice-Flint

MegsMenopause – Meg Mathews & Dr Louise Newson

010MegsMenopause – Meg Mathews & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with Meg Mathews

Gynaecological cancers & Eve Appeal – Athena Lamnisos & Dr Louise Newson

009Gynaecological cancers & Eve Appeal – Athena Lamnisos & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with Athena Lamnisos, CEO of the Eve Appeal

Migraines & menopause – GP & menopause expert Dr Sarah Ball & Dr Louise Newson

008Migraines & menopause – GP & menopause expert Dr Sarah Ball & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with Dr Sarah Ball

Campaigning for improved menopause care – Diane Danzebrink & Dr Louise Newson

007Campaigning for improved menopause care – Diane Danzebrink & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with Diane Danzebrink

Importance of discussing menopause early – Meg Mathews, Athena Lamnisos & Dr Louise Newson

006Importance of discussing menopause early – Meg Mathews, Athena Lamnisos & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Newson talks with Meg Mathews & Athena Lamnisos, CEO of charity Eve Appeal

Comparing hormones in menopausal women to teenagers – Nurse Tracy Rutter & Dr Louise Newson

005Comparing hormones in menopausal women to teenagers – Nurse Tracy Rutter & Dr Louise Newson

Listen to Nurse Tracy Rutter and Dr Louise Newson

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