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Hair loss and hormones – Dr Sajjad Rajpar & Dr Louise Newson

035Hair loss and hormones – Dr Sajjad Rajpar & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with Dr Sajjad Rajpar, Consultant Dermatologist

Menopause taboo in women from different ethnic groups – Dr Nighat Arif & Dr Louise Newson

034Menopause taboo in women from different ethnic groups – Dr Nighat Arif & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with GP Dr Nighat Arif

Bone health, osteoporosis & the menopause – Professor David Reid & Dr Louise Newson

033Bone health, osteoporosis & the menopause – Professor David Reid & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with Professor David Reid, Consultant Rheumatologist and Osteoporosis Specialist

Taking HRT forever – Ann Newson & Dr Louise Newson

032Taking HRT forever – Ann Newson & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with her mother, Ann Newson

Pelvic floor health – Jane Simpson & Dr Louise Newson

031Pelvic floor health – Jane Simpson & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with Jane Simpson

Early menopause and POI – Dr Sarah Ball and Dr Louise Newson

030Early menopause and POI – Dr Sarah Ball and Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with GP Dr Sarah Ball

Life after breast cancer – Kirsty Lang and Dr Louise Newson

029Life after breast cancer – Kirsty Lang and Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with journalist Kirsty Lang

Menopause and friendship – Kate Parr & Dr Louise Newson

028Menopause and friendship – Kate Parr & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with Kate Parr

Menopause and the skin – Dr Sajjad Rajpar and Dr Louise Newson

027Menopause and the skin – Dr Sajjad Rajpar and Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with Dr Sajjad Rajpar, Consultant Dermatologist

Surgical menopause – Dr Rebecca Lewis & Dr Louise Newson

026Surgical menopause – Dr Rebecca Lewis & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with Dr Rebecca Lewis

Missing my perimenopause – Katie Taylor & Dr Louise Newson

025Missing my perimenopause – Katie Taylor & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with Katie Taylor founder of The Latte Lounge

Menopause & West Midlands Police – Yvonne Bruton & Dr Louise Newson

024Menopause & West Midlands Police – Yvonne Bruton & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats to Yvonne Bruton, a chief inspector at West Midlands Police

Menopause & the pelvic floor – Nicola Mulkeen & Dr Louise Newson

023Menopause & the pelvic floor – Nicola Mulkeen & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with Nicola Mulkeen

Menopause for partners – Leigh Goulding & Dr Louise Newson

022Menopause for partners – Leigh Goulding & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with a partner of one of her patients Lee Goulding

MPowered women – Saska Graville & Dr Louise Newson

021MPowered women – Saska Graville & Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson chats with Saska Graville, co founder of Mpowered Women

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