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Questionnaire sur les symptômes de la ménopause / Menopause Symptom Questionnaire (French)

Questionnaire sur les symptômes de la ménopause / Menopause Symptom Questionnaire (French)

Cela peut être utilisé pour surveiller les symptômes et vaut la peine […]

Cuestionario de síntomas de la menopausia / Menopause Symptom Questionnaire (Spanish)

Cuestionario de síntomas de la menopausia / Menopause Symptom Questionnaire (Spanish)

Esto se puede utilizar para controlar los síntomas y vale la pena […]

Santé mentale et bien-être émotionnel dans la périménopause et la ménopause / Mental health and emotional wellbeing in the perimenopause and menopause Booklet (French)

Santé mentale et bien-être émotionnel dans la périménopause et la ménopause / Mental health and emotional wellbeing in the perimenopause and menopause Booklet (French)

Si vous êtes en période de périménopause ou de ménopause et que […]

Terapia hormonal sustitutoria(THS) – La hoja informativa básica / Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – The basics Factsheet (Spanish)

Terapia hormonal sustitutoria(THS) – La hoja informativa básica / Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – The basics Factsheet (Spanish)

La forma más efectiva de tratar los síntomas de la perimenopausia y […]

¿Qué es la menopausia?  / What is menopause? Factsheet (Spanish)

¿Qué es la menopausia?  / What is menopause? Factsheet (Spanish)

La palabra menopausia significa literalmente que la menstruación se detiene. Meno se […]

Salud mental y bienestar emocional en la perimenopausia y la menopausia / Mental health and emotional wellbeing in the perimenopause and menopause Booklet (Spanish)

Salud mental y bienestar emocional en la perimenopausia y la menopausia / Mental health and emotional wellbeing in the perimenopause and menopause Booklet (Spanish)

Si está experimentando la perimenopausia o la menopausia y ha comenzado a […]

मेरी कहानी: जीएसएम के साथ रहना / My Story: Living with GSM (Hindi)

मेरी कहानी: जीएसएम के साथ रहना / My Story: Living with GSM (Hindi)

नमस्ते इस लेख में, एमिली हमें बताती है कि जीएसएम (रजोनिवृत्ति के […]

हार्मोन रिप्लेसमेंट थेरेपी (एचआरटी) – मूल बातें फैक्टशीट / Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – The basics Factsheet (Hindi)

हार्मोन रिप्लेसमेंट थेरेपी (एचआरटी) – मूल बातें फैक्टशीट / Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – The basics Factsheet (Hindi)

पेरिमेनोपॉज और रजोनिवृत्ति के लक्षणों का इलाज करने का सबसे प्रभावी तरीका […]

मेनोपॉज / What is menopause factsheet (Hindi)

मेनोपॉज / What is menopause factsheet (Hindi)

मेनोपॉज शब्द का शाब्दिक अर्थ है जब आपके पीरियड्स रुक जाते हैं। […]

Ellie’s Story: Going Through a Teenage Menopause

Ellie’s Story: Going Through a Teenage Menopause

Published: 2nd October 2020 When Ellie Waters was 14 years old, she was […]

5 Reasons to Boost your Gut Health

5 Reasons to Boost your Gut Health

The gastrointestinal system comprises one long tube with other organs attached and […]

balance Posters – Norwegian Translated

balance Posters – Norwegian Translated

Download our free Norwegian translated menopause resources here to reach more people […]

Hvordan sette søkelys på overgangsalder på arbeidsplassen / Creating and working in a menopause confident organisation Booklet (Norwegian)

Hvordan sette søkelys på overgangsalder på arbeidsplassen / Creating and working in a menopause confident organisation Booklet (Norwegian)

Dette heftet er skrevet for enkeltpersoner og for arbeidsplasser. For menn, for […]

Min historie: Blodpropprisiko og menopause / My Story: Sticky blood, menopause and me (Norwegian)

Min historie: Blodpropprisiko og menopause / My Story: Sticky blood, menopause and me (Norwegian)

Translated by Dr Mari Chammas Maggie ble diagnostisert med antifosfolipidsyndrom (APS) og […]

Min historie: Å leve med urogenitale symptomer / My Story: Living with GSM (Norwegian)

Min historie: Å leve med urogenitale symptomer / My Story: Living with GSM (Norwegian)

Translated by Dr Mari Chammas I denne artikkelen forteller Emily oss hvordan […]

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